While you are healing, it is extremely important that you keep your dressing clean. If your dressing is not clean, it won’t be long before you begin to see signs of “infection”.
Change your dressing as often as necessary. This also applies to your Liposuction Compression Garments, the Boards & any clothing that covers the area.
It is quite evident that people who receive massages heal quicker than those who do not. Massage focuses on “circulation” which helps keep the muscles healthy and in good shape. During & after your massage, blood travels rapidly to the surgical sites to speed up healing. The lymph fluid will now travel more efficiently - taking toxicity with it, when exiting the body.
Always be aware of what is going on with your body - during the healing process.
If you notice an area that is "solid", mention this to your Massage Therapist, who will be able to tell if this is excess lymph fluid, or scar tissue beginning to form. Many things can be corrected during the healing process; however, if you choose to ignore these issues, it will be quite difficult to correct - once the healing is complete.
You have made a large investment in following through with your surgery, whether or not you choose to continue with the maintenance while healing will be the difference between a smooth silhouette frame, or having to feel solid masses of scar tissue where they have chosen to form.